
Overview :

 Ammonia is the major waste product in the elimination of excess amino acids from the breakdown of proteins in fish.  Gaseous ammonia is primarily released from the gills of Fish, Ammonia concentration is increased because of reduced algal population in the pond and due to reduced rate of assimilation of ammonia by plankton algae. Additionally, lower water temperature slows aerobic bacterial nitrification process whereby ammonia is converted to nitrates. High aquatic pH severely accounts for the enhanced aqua concentration of ammonia.

 When fish is fed with high protein diet, they utilise the amino acids from protein digestion and excess amino acids are converted to ammonia which is excreted through the gills and in the faeces. The amount of ammonia excreted by fish varies with the amount of feed that is put into the pond or the species of fish being cultured and it increases with feeding rates. The primary site for ammonia production is the liver while excretion is through the kidneys.

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